2014 NSH/HOD First Call


The 40th Annual NSH Symposium will take place on August 22 – 27, 2014 in Austin TX.  The HOD will convene on Wednesday, August 27, 2014 at 7:00PM.

Attached, please find the HOD Delegate Credentialing form for your state as well as the delegate’s job description, instructions for the HOD, and the cover letter for Constituent Societies.  The completed forms must be received by the Credentials Chair no later than June 28, 2014.

The number of delegates entitled to be seated for each constituent society is determined by the number of NSH members in that state as of December 31, 2013.  Please keep in mind that potential delegates that have NOT renewed their membership BEFORE March 2, 2014, will be dropped from the NSH Membership on that date, making them INELIGIBLE to sit.

In order to keep the Region Directors updated on the credentialing status of the states within their region, the region directors will be copied on the First, and Final Calls for delegates. To keep the number of emails they’ll receive to a minimum, I have grouped emails by region.  When returning the completed forms to the Credentials Chair, please copy ONLY your Region Director and NOT the other presidents within your region.

When emailing me, if your inquiry requires a more timely response, please copy my work email – jalvare@jhmi.edu.


As always, if you have any questions or require additional information please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I look forward to seeing you all in Austin.


Janice Alvarez,

NSH Credentials Chair





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